Tuesday, September 09, 2003

The Church of $cientology Is at It Again --TWICE!

According to an on-line report by NBC News, members of the Church of Scientology, including celebrities like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and Juliette Lewis, who want to move up into the upper ranks in their religion are now required to sign a contract which relinquishes to their "church" some key rights, "including a right to psychiatric care and the right to see their families."

Apparently this new requirement came about in the wake of a successful malpractive suit brought against the "church" by the family of a mentally ill member who died from dehydration and starvation while under the "care" of her colleagues.

And the Catholic Church's critics think we're the bad guys???

For a more in-depth look at this story, see our commentary at our Bullies 'N' Bozos web log.

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